Depression, and its associated disorders; Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Psychotic Depression, Postnatal Depression PND, Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD, and Bipolar Disorder, are generally associated with Mental Health Illnesses and are usually treated with Psychotherapy and Medication.
The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 6.7% of American Adults have had depressive illness during the last 12 months, with Women 70% more likely to develop Depressive Symptoms in their lifetime.
Depression, and its associated disorders, is a Medical Illness that can lead to other Emotional and Physical Problems. Based on facts compiled at Harvard University, an ability to reduce Depression translates to a capacity for improving some of our culture’s most widespread physiological ailments, as more irrefutable evidence links Depression Disorders to Arthritic, Heart, Respiratory and Digestive Diseases.
We live in a fast pace world filled with a lot of Stress and Hardship. Our Jobs, the Economy, our Families/Spouses, Injuries and Illnesses….can all potentially lead to Depression. |